Who We Are

The Wesley Foundation at Eastern Illinois University was founded in 1959, though Methodist student groups date back to at least 1946 at EIU. It is the only EIU campus ministry affiliated with a mainline Protestant denomination, and the only campus ministry connected with a denomination where women can lead solo in all areas of ministry. The Wesley Foundation has a history of being welcoming and affirming to all students, especially those identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. As a ministry related to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, EIU Wesley Foundation receives funding through the apportionment monies given by IGRC churches, in addition to gifts from other individuals, groups, and churches. Rev. Betzy Elifrits Warren has been Campus Minister/Director since September 1, 2017.

EIU Wesley Foundation is committed to staying UMC. If your congregation has left the UMC, or if you find yourself asking questions along your way, we welcome you to worship with us, while you search for a new faith community to call home. Campus ministries have always been transitional homes away from home for those seeking spiritual growth during times of change and discovery. You're welcome here.

Open Hearts Cross Open Doors Cross Open Minds

What We Do


  • Wednesday night worship at 8:30 through the school year
  • Special worship services and events for different holy days


  • Prayer stations in the Prayer Room each semester
  • Prayer centers throughout the building during Holy Week


  • Seasonal outings, including to The Great Pumpkin Patch, Curtis Orchard, Christmas Lights at Aikman Wildlife Adventure
  • Sunday Night Stuff each week during the school year, including game nights, movie nights, spa nights, Super Bowl Party, and more


  • Local service projects, including volunteering at the animal shelter, making and collecting items for charities and non-profits
  • Mission trip every year during Spring Break

How You Can Help!

We welcome the support and engagement of all who believe in our mission and vision. Here are some ways you can help with the work we're doing, to promote health and wholeness and advocate for justice:

  • Provide a Sunday Supper (or donate to provide a Sunday Supper!)
  • Join our Board of Directors (email betzy@eiuwesley.org for more information)
  • Share information about EIU Wesley Foundation with your friends, your church, and anyone you know who will be attending EIU
  • Collect snacks and drinks, Keurig cups, paper products, cleaning supplies, disposable plates, bowls, and utensils, to help defray some of our operating expenses
  • Donate by mail to 2202 4th St., Charleston, IL; by Venmo to @eiuwesley; by text to 217-885-1960; or online by clicking here.

Our Staff

Campus Minister/Director

Rev. Betzy Elifrits Warren serves as the Campus Minister/Director of the Wesley Foundation at Eastern Illinois University. She’s an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church and has been under appointment since July 2009, pastoring local churches in the Holston Conference for 8 years before starting at EIU Wesley Foundation in September 2017. Earlier in her life, Betzy did some time at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa; the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; and the Divinity School at Duke University. She loves asking lots of questions, learning and growing with students and church members, and reading, writing, and playing the piano and French horn. Betzy is also an adjunct faculty member in the EIU English department, teaching English 1002 whenever they need her to. Perhaps most importantly, she is wife to Brock, mom to Benjamin and Brendan, and beloved human of Daphne and Dot. Smokey the cat tolerates her and the rest of the family (and often thinks wistfully of that brief time in 2020 when there were no dogs in the house).


EIU senior Eric Malinowski is our bookkeeper.


EIU senior Connor Mellott is our custodian.